About the Course

Start:  In front of the City Shop and head north to Lawson Street.

Turn right on Lawson Street and stay on the right lane up to New Castle Drive.

Turn left as directed by police to enter Lawson Hills Estates and make a clockwise loop through the neighborhood.

Exit Lawson Hills Estates and turn left on Lawson Street, crossing back over to the east bound lane as directed by police.

Continue east to the city limits, keeping to the left side of the lane and turn around as directed by volunteer and marking cone.

Head west on the left side of the east bound lane to Botts Drive.

Turn left on Botts Drive and keep left, continue to the end, turn around and marking cone, then return west to Lawson Street.

Turn left on Lawson Street and stay in east bound lane until the gymnasium turn.

Turn left into gymnasium access road and continue south past gymnasium and city shop, turning left to loop around the city shop in a counter clockwise direction, and head strait north across the grass toward the back door of the gymnasium to the finish line.